Friday, July 25, 2008

The price

There is always a price for the truth, the truth seems the most costy thing in life , at least on the short range...

Believe me, to be ready to pay the price of the truth today is much better than living a lie and going on with it, your lie will grow with time, and so the cost until you come to the point were you can't pay the price alone, also those whom you love will have to pay the price, the price of your weakness and being a cowered, will you then be able to forgive your self?

Some truth hurts on the short range but it is a relief on the long range, some lie brings false happiness on the short range but brings disaster on the long range, it is a trade and you decide , almost all your life you have to decide

1 comment:

tito said...

the problem is there are many kinds of the truth, the truth that hurt, which most people prefer to cover with with a "nice" lie called "complement" and another kind of truth that make you strange because it shows that you think in a different way, so sometimes you have to say lies like people or just to agree on their lies not to be called strange or freak or whatever, i myself choosed to tell the truth and right now i am living all the consequences of this decision....