“On the running debate between Muslims and Christians”
Over more than 3 hours I kept reading posts on different blogs, the secret war is running speedier then!!!!
A war beneath the surface, war between who? Between Muslims and Christians!!!
To tell you the truth, after a while, I got sick of what I was reading from both sides!! The claims of both sides can’t be classified under any description other than madness, racist ideas.
Of course there were some reasonable voices like the voice of alef, the old wise Muslim blogger and some others (including Christian bloggers) who I don’t know but that don’t change the truth, there is a war running out there.
Why do people think that their rule is to guide people to truth while they don’t spend much time trying to find it for their own selves?? Why do we claim to know things while what we do know is nothing almost??
I rarely get myself involved in a debate about religion, do you know why?
First, I don’t consider myself responsible for others thoughts and ideas, I don’t claim that I am so pure or better from them to guide them, and finally what am I to interfere with their free well to choose they destiny??
Secondly, what will that debate add??? I believe that a good Christian can help the society improve better than a bad Muslim, and also a good Muslim will help the society better than a bad Christian, both religions are great enough that I believe if we just know how to follow them right we will stop this shaming war against each other and learn how to build together a life and let religion to god!!
Why can’t we simply accept each other and stop the biasing that blinds our eyes from the truth when we rush to “defend our religion” and on the way we do all possible mistakes and sins thinking we are doing a great job, I hear address my speech to Muslims and Christians equally because what I see is more than a shame, it is crazy and unbearable!!
Why don’t we understand that Egypt, the country we are fighting over its cake is very weak and in a very bad position and needs support from all her citizens if we want her to survive!!
Why can’t we listen to this wise voice that told me years before “in 10 years there will be no Egypt!!” and try to prevent this disaster!
Why can’t we spend half this great energy we spend in calling that this girl was kidnapped or this girl was taken back by force to the church on efficient work to help the country, or even on work to really understand and apply the orders of our holy books??
Did I tell you that I was for an interval interested in reading in religions?? Out of my experience with holy books I can tell for sure that the concepts and ethics are the same, the same ethics we never apply in our “holy fight to defend our religion!!”
Why can’t all of us let all this nonsense aside and understand that in this country we are all in a bad situation and the only way out is to work for its best not to work for “our best” because there is no such separable “us”, one nation faces one destiny.
It is hard to believe but some Muslims better see a night club in the nearby and not a church!! Imagine that, a house for evil versus a house for god!!!
On the other side I see Christians in favor if Israel on talking to Muslim brotherhood!!
People of Egypt… are you out of your minds??????????